Thursday, April 11, 2013

mobile devices


Mobile technology has become a popular agent for communication and networking.
Personal Cloud

Mobile device technology communication has become a trend like no other in the modern era and continues to develop and expand in many directions. It all began with the mobile phone teller communication device, which allowed individuals to make cellular calls, then this technology developed and began to supply the Internet in a mobile form. Individuals now walk around with the Internet in the pocket, allowing access to their emails, photos, camera, networking sites, Internet banking, messages, blogs, you name it.

This has started a trend where people are no longer lost in the moment but they are not even present in the moment. The Internet provides a social environment online, where individuals now social online, for business, for pleasure, for charity, for planning ect rather than in the real world. Our lives are mobile and active 24/7through the use of technology.

Before the common use of mobile devices it used to be a symbol of status, representing upper class.
Compared to the modern day era, the norm is to have a mobile device regardless of status. Status has become represented by the form in which your mobile communication is supplied.

Mobile communication and space and time...

Space and time has been reconstructed, lines have been redrawn the privacy has become publicity and vice versa, and lives are wireless and active 27/7 creating "timeless time" (Ling & Campbell) Mobile devices have brought about a whole new approach to life where there is no switching off. Through the cyberspace Individuals are always available to one another regardless of what's going on in the physical world.

The Internet has provided a forum for more expressive communication (Ling & Campbell). This can be an advantage plus a disadvantage in that it is valuable to have an environment to nurture those who share similar problems, as they can communicate and exchange feelings for example gays, however if taken too far it can be an atmosphere for bullying as people fear less to say what they behind screen. While the cyberspace has many advantages, in the way of social networking, individuals often take problems from the real world and deal with them in an irrational way online behind the screen with the absence of fear to express.

video on future technology!

1 comment:

  1. Woah, the prospects for the future technologies are really endless. I can't wait to see what aple etc come up with next. But at what cost? The video you have posted just shows how much technology is already in our lives. It's there when we wake up first thing in the morning, when we are getting ready for, at work, leaving work and going to bed. I think we all are really going to become so dependent on technology. Whether this will be a good thing I think only time can tell.
